5/18/2023: DxF Office Hours #2

CHEAC Training Center - DxF Sessions

CHEAC, in partnership with Intrepid Ascent, is hosting a series of informational webinars and office hours to support local health departments with the state's Data Exchange Framework (DxF).

9/14/2023: DxF Office Hours #5

Thu, Sep 14, 2023 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

DxF Office Hours #5 Virtual As a follow-up to previous webinars, this office hours session will provide LHDs an opportunity to ask questions and receive support from a team of DxF subject matter experts, as well as digest and discuss…

8/10/2023: DxF Office Hours #4

Thu, Aug 10, 2023 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

DxF Office Hours #4 Virtual As a follow-up to Webinar #4: Health Information Exchange 101, this office hours session will provide LHDs an opportunity to ask questions and receive support from a team of DxF subject matter experts, as well…

7/13/2023: DxF Office Hours #3

Thu, Jul 13, 2023 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

DxF Office Hours #3 Virtual As a follow-up to Webinar #3: Key Considerations for LHDs, this office hours session will provide LHDs an opportunity to ask questions and receive support from a team of DxF subject matter experts, as well…

6/28/2023: DxF Webinar #4: Health Information Exchange 101

Wed, Jun 28, 2023 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

DxF Webinar #4: Health Information Exchange 101 Virtual The HIE 101 webinar will summarize the basics of health information exchange, such as common technologies, data standards/formats, governance approaches, and the HIE landscape in California. This webinar will review the alphabet…

5/18/2023: DxF Office Hours #2

Thu, May 18, 2023 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

DxF Office Hours #2 Virtual As a follow-up to Webinar #2: DxF Policies & Procedures, this office hours session will provide LHDs an opportunity to ask questions and receive support from a team of DxF subject matter experts, as well…


  • Payment: Courses are payable via credit card or invoice. To request an invoice, please complete this form. You will be enrolled in the course and billed.
  • Substitutions: May be made with a 48-hour notice prior to the training start date. The substituted registrant must have an account in the CHEAC Training Center. Email admin@cheac.org with your substitution request.
  • Cancellations: Must be made at least 10 business days prior to the training start date. Cancellations will be subject to a refund of fees paid minus a $30 processing fee (no exceptions). To request a cancellation, please complete our Unenrollment Request Form