Category: Legislative Updates

Policy Committees Arrive at Deadline for Fiscal Bills

Today is the deadline for policy committees to meet and report fiscal bills, resulting in a busy week of hearings. Policy committees have one more week to meet and report all remaining bills before the Legislature departs for its summer recess. Below are several bills of interest to CHEAC Members. This week’s full bill chart…

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Legislative Deadlines Quickly Approaching

Despite the shortened week due to the Independence Day holiday, the Legislature continued a busy schedule of policy committee hearings. Just one week remains for policy committees to pass all fiscal-related bills, and non-fiscal bills have two weeks to be passed from policy committees. We highlight several items of interest to CHEAC Members below. Our…

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Policy Committee Hearings in Full Swing

Policy committees in both houses continue ahead of the looming July Legislative deadlines. With just two weeks to pass fiscal bills and three weeks to pass non-fiscal bills, policy committees are scheduled to meet on Monday, will break on Tuesday for the Independence Day holiday, and reconvene on Wednesday. This week’s full bill chart is…

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Policy Committees Continue Hearings

Several bills were considered in policy committees this week as the next several weeks will be packed with hearings in an effort to meet the July policy committee deadlines. We highlight several bills of interest to CHEAC Members below. The full bill chart is available here. Health Coverage SB 323 (Mitchell) as amended on 4/25/17…

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Busy Weeks Ahead for Policy Committees

This week was largely dominated by budget discussions in the Legislature, though several policy committees did convene to hear a short list of bills. Rules Committees in both houses have now assigned most bills to policy committees, producing several busy weeks of hearings ahead. Below, we highlight a few bills of interest to CHEAC Members….

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Policy Committees Resume Hearings

After last week’s legislative deadline for bills to be passed out of their house of origin, policy committees in both houses met to resume hearings. Many bills are still awaiting policy committee assignments, and the next several weeks are shaping up to be quite busy as we move toward the next legislative deadline in July….

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Floor Session Yields Hundreds of Advanced Bills

This week, the Legislature debated a myriad of bills on the floor in an effort to meet today’s deadline for bills to be passed out of their house of origin. Policy committees did not conduct hearings this week, but will resume next week to begin hearing bills that advanced. Below, we highlight a handful of…

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More than 800 Suspense File Bills Heard This Week

Today was the legislative deadline for fiscal committees to hear and report bills in their house of origin to the floor. Over the course of two days, more than 800 bills were reviewed by the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees. Below, we highlight several bills of interest to members. This week’s CHEAC bill chart is…

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Fiscal Discussions Continue

This week’s Appropriations hearings had packed agendas as the Legislative deadline for bills to be moved to the floor is May 26. Hundreds of bills have been sent to Suspense File, where they will await their final fate. The Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees will conduct their final business for bills in their house of…

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Policy and Appropriations Committees Continue Work

This week, the Legislature was once again relatively quiet as policy committees reviewed bills with no fiscal implications and fiscal committees placed a majority of bills on Suspense File. The next several weeks are shaping up to be quite busy for the Legislature as the June 2 deadline for all bills to be passed out…

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