More than 800 Suspense File Bills Heard This Week

Today was the legislative deadline for fiscal committees to hear and report bills in their house of origin to the floor. Over the course of two days, more than 800 bills were reviewed by the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees. Below, we highlight several bills of interest to members.

This week’s CHEAC bill chart is available here.

Environmental Health

AB 626 (E. Garcia) as amended on 5/2/17 – Oppose

Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia’s AB 626 was scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Wednesday. The author waived presentation and the measure was referred to the Suspense File. AB 626 seeks to create a new type of food facility under the California Retail Food Code for “microenterprise home kitchens” and allow for the sale of foods directly to consumers from private homes. CHEAC is opposed to the measure, along with the Health Officers Association of California (HOAC), California State Association of Counties (CSAC), Urban Counties of California (UCC), and Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC).

AB 626 was held in committee and is now a two-year bill, meaning it will not move forward this year, but the measure can still be considered next year.

Health Coverage

 SB 562 (Lara) as amended on 4/17/17 – Special Interest Bill

SB 562, by Senator Ricardo Lara, was heard this week by the Senate Appropriations Committee. The measure would establish the Healthy California Act to provide universal, single-payer health coverage for every Californian. Notably, the Senate Appropriations Committee analysis placed a $400 billion annual price tag on the measure and indicated significant uncertainty in projected costs. Despite an unclear funding mechanism, the measure was moved from the Suspense File to the Senate Floor with an amendment making the measure contingent on funding.

Suspense File Bills

CHEAC had an eye on over 75 other Suspense File bills this week. The following items are Suspense File bills on which CHEAC has taken a position. For all other Suspense File bills, please reference this week’s full bill chart.


AB 40 (Santiago) – Support – Drug & Alcohol Services – Do Pass as Amended

AB 64 (Bonta) – Special Interest Bill – Cannabis – Do Pass as Amended

AB 74 (Chiu) – Special Interest Bill – Health Equity – Do Pass

AB 175 (Chau) – Support in Concept – Cannabis – Do Pass as Amended

AB 340 (Arambula) – Support – Health Care Coverage – Do Pass

AB 391 (Chiu) – Support – Health Care Coverage – Do Pass as Amended

AB 725 (Levine) – Support – Tobacco – Do Pass

AB 1092 (Cooley) – Support – Health Care Coverage – Do Pass as Amended

AB 1591 (Berman) – Support – Health Care Access – Do Pass

SB 323 (Mitchell) – Support – Health Care Coverage – Do Pass

SB 386 (Glazer) – Support – Tobacco – Do Pass

SB 562 (Lara) – Special Interest Bill – Health Coverage – Do Pass as Amended

Held on Suspense

AB 15 (Maienschein) – Support – Dental Health – Held on Suspense

SB 222 (Hernandez) – Support – Jail Medical – Held on Suspense

SB 382 (Pan) – Support – Communicable Disease – Held on Suspense

SB 708 (Skinner) – Support – Health Equity – Held on Suspense

Two Year Bills

AB 626 (E. Garcia) – Oppose – Environmental Health – Two Year Bill