Time Runs out for Two-Year Bills in Legislature

The Legislature spent much of this week focused on passing two-year bills out of their houses as today is the final deadline. Very few managed to pass off their respective floors. Most prominently, Senator Wiener’s SB 50, which makes significant changes to local zoning laws allowing for more high-density housing near mass transit hubs, failed on the Senate Floor after two attempts at passage. Senator Wiener in a statement expressed his disappointment that the bill was rejected by his Senate colleagues but noted he will be announcing new housing legislation soon.

As a reminder, the Legislative deadline to introduce new bills for 2020 is Friday, February 21st.

Our CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart is available here.

Health Coverage/Health Care Reform

SB 175 (Pan) – SUPPORT

Senator Pan’s SB 175, which codifies in California statute the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibition on health insurance lifetime or annual limits, passed unanimously off the Senate Floor this week. The bill ensures that despite threats to the Affordable Care Act at the federal level, California would continue to prohibit health insurers from instituting annual or lifetime limits on insurance benefits. It now moves on to the Assembly for further consideration.

SB 406 (Pan) – SUPPORT

Senator Pan has also authored SB 406, which codifies in California statute the ACA requirement that health insurance cover preventive services. Similar to SB 175, the bill seeks to ensure that Californians continue to have access to high quality preventive care in order to stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of these chronic diseases, lead productive lives, and reduce costs. SB 406 also passed off the Senate Floor this week on a unanimous vote and moves on to the Assembly.