Sierra Health Foundation Releases MAT Funding Opportunity

The Sierra Health Foundation recently announced the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Access Points funding opportunity. The goal of the initiative is to support MAT start-up activities and/or MAT enhancement efforts in at least 200 MAT Access Points throughout California with the goal of increasing the number of patients with substance use disorders (SUDs) with medications, counseling, and other recovery services. All MAT Access Points will ensure that the delivery model enables positive treatment outcomes, safe management of care transitions, and long-term recovery.

A request for applications has been released by the Sierra Health Foundation, and eligible entities include county and community health centers, primary care facilities, jails, hospitals, emergency departments, and other community-based organizations. A $50,000 standard award is available per site, and higher award requests may be submitted for consideration. Funding may be used to purchase equipment, train and/or recruit staff, make capital improvements, and initiate other start-up or enhancement costs.

The Sierra Health Foundation will hold an RFA review webinar on Friday, March 8 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm; participation in the webinar is recommended, but not required. Registration for the webinar is available here. Applications are due by March 28 at 1:00 pm; additional information on the request for applications is available here.