Senate Rules Committee Advances Angell Confirmation

On Wednesday, the Senate Rules Committee advanced to the Senate Floor the confirmation of California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Director and State Health Officer Dr. Sonia Angell on a vote of 4-0 with one member not voting.

During the Senate Rules Committee hearing, Senators extensively queried Dr. Angell on the state’s ongoing response activities to the COVID-19 pandemic, including on areas related to personal protective equipment (PPE), statewide stay-at-home order, industry guidance, contact tracing, data reporting criteria, and preparedness efforts for future public health emergencies. Notably, Senator Bill Monning discussed ongoing challenges and threats experienced by local public health officials during the COVID-19 pandemic and urged CDPH to publicly express support for local public health officials throughout the state.

Dr. Angell’s confirmation moves on to the Senate Floor where it is anticipated to be voted upon over the coming weeks. A video recording of the Senate Rules Committee hearing is available here.