Senate Democrats Issue 2022 Budget Plan

This week, ahead of the Governor’s May Revise, the California State Senate Democrats issued their 2022-23 Budget Plan, “Putting California’s Wealth to Work for a More Equitable Economy.” The plan highlights priority investments for the state in consideration of the state’s rebounding economy. The overall goals of the Senate Democrats are to build an equitable economy using California’s wealth to support middle class and struggling families.

The Putting Wealth to Work plan includes the following priorities:

Public Health and Healthcare: The plan includes significant investments to expand access, increase affordability, and improve the quality of health care and health services statewide. Notably, the plan includes $750 million for to public health infrastructure; additional details on this amount were not provided. On the health care front, the plan calls for funding to make health care more affordable for middle income Californians, accelerate the expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal coverage for all regardless of immigration status, and provide continuous Medi-Cal coverage for all children ages 0-5.

$18 Billion for Combating Climate Change: The plan includes funding to combat various climate concerns including water resiliency and drought, wildfires, protecting communities and natural resources, offsetting impacts on disadvantaged communities due to climate change, clean energy projects, and utilizing nature to fight against climate change.

$1.6 Billion to Assist Struggling Californians: The plan includes funding for the reduction or prevention of children living in deep poverty, improved foster care, senior, and disabled support, food assistance programs, changes to child support rules, and tax breaks.

$3 Billion to Combat Homelessness: The plan includes increased funding for Project Homekey and Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Grant, and funding for the Encampment Resolution Program.

$955 Million to Improve Public Safety and the Judicial System: The plan includes funding to support victims of crimes, prevent homelessness and reduce crime and recidivism, and ensure equitable access to justice.

$10.6 Billion to Strengthen California’s Workforce: The plan includes funding for workforce development for students of color and low-income communities, behavioral health workers, childcare workers, nursing home workers, and the re-entry population. It also includes funding to support women/nonbinary individuals in the department of Industrial Relations.

Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 also highlighted a priority to provide ongoing funding for the Health Equity and Racial Justice Fund.

For additional details, the full Senate Democrat Budget Plan is available here.