Repeal and Replace Bill Next Week?

Last week, a draft of the House Republican reconciliation bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act was leaked. Key components of the leaked draft include the:

  • Elimination of the Prevention and Public Health Fund in FY 2018.
  • Repeal of the Medicaid Expansion.
  • Repeal of the individual and employer mandate.
  • Creation of per capita caps for Medicaid spending for states in FY 2019.
  • Deferring to states to define in essential health benefits in 2019.
  • Utilization of tax credits and health savings accounts as a means for making insurance affordable.
  • Elimination of Medicaid funding for planned parenthood for one year and bans federal subsidies for plans that cover abortions.

Politico compiled a helpful infographic outlining key aspects of the leaked bill.

Additionally, reports from Capitol Hill this week suggest that a House bill may be introduced as early as next week and few significant deviations from the leaked bill are expected.