Newsom Issues Executive Order on Statewide Master Plan for Aging, Solicits Stakeholder Involvement for Advisory Committee

On Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-14-19 calling for the development of a statewide Master Plan on Aging by October 1, 2020. Citing figures showing that California’s over-65 population is set to grow to 8.6 million by 2030, Governor Newsom indicates the Master Plan will serve as a blueprint to be used by state government, local communities, private organizations, and philanthropic entities to build environments that promote healthy aging.

The executive order directs the secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) to convene a cabinet-level Workgroup for Aging to advise the secretary in the development and issuance of the Master Plan. Additionally, CHHS and other state-level partners will convene a Master Plan for Aging Stakeholder Advisory Committee, which will include a Research Subcommittee and a Long-Term Care Subcommittee. Subcommittees are expected to include older Californians, adults with disabilities, local government representatives, health care providers, health plans, employers, community-based organizations, foundations, academic researchers, and organized labor.

According to the Newsom Administration, this workgroup’s focus is expected to go beyond the health and human services area and into other areas such as transportation and housing. The Master Plan will explore issues beyond public programs and consider older Californians that do not utilize or have access to public programs and services the state administers.

On Wednesday, CHHS convened a stakeholder call to discuss the executive order and Administration’s efforts related to the Master Plan. Included in the discussion was the stakeholder advisory committee and the Administration’s intent to ensure the group is racially and culturally diverse and includes representatives from a wide array of jurisdictions. We encourage CHEAC Members interested in participating in the Master Plan for Aging Stakeholder Advisory Committee to send an email to by Friday, June 21. CHEAC will then forward information of interested parties for vetting by CHHS.