Newsom Administration Announces Additional Homelessness Funding Awards

The Newsom Administration within the past week announced a series of funding awards to address homelessness throughout California. We detail these announcements below:

$38 Million Announced to Combat Youth Homelessness

Governor Gavin Newsom late last week announced $38 million in new grant programs for community-based organizations statewide through the Homeless Youth Emergency Services and Housing Program. The grants are intended to allow local service providers to deliver temporary housing and supportive services for youth experiencing homelessness.

The grants are being distributed through the Office of Emergency Services (OES) to 12 community-based organizations. The funds aim to ensure safe shelter for teens and young adults experiencing short or long-term housing instability.

Additional information on the youth homelessness grants is available here.

$116.3 Million Awarded for Homekey Projects

Governor Newsom this week announced more than $116 million in funding for seven Homekey projects across the state. The projects are anticipated to provide nearly 400 units of housing for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Funding awarded in the latest round of awards include grants to Ventura and Orange counties. According to the Newsom Administration, additional Homekey awards will be announced in the coming weeks. Completed applications will be accepted by the state on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted or May 2, 2022, whichever comes first.

Additional information on Homekey awards is available here.