NACCHO Publishes Cannabis Policy Statement
Late last year, NACCHO’s Board of Directors adopted a policy statement on medical and recreational cannabis and cannabinoids. In brief, NACCHO recommends that the federal government remove administrative and regulatory barriers to allow for increased scientific and epidemiological research on both the positive and negative impacts of cannabis/cannabinoid consumption. Furthermore, they also encourage state and local health departments get involved in the law and policy-making processes surrounding the regulation of both medical and adult use cannabis. They also delineate several issues for consideration as states and local health departments contemplate regulation of cannabis including:
- Funding for localized cannabis research, evidence-based health services, and core public health functions using state and local taxes on cannabis/cannabinoids
- Allocation of adequate resources to establish youth cannabis prevention and education activities
- Provision of accurate and effective educational materials to the public and medical cannabis patients and providers
- Involvement of LHDs in guiding laws and policies focused on the regulation of cannabis production and sales (eg: pesticide use, packaging, labeling, age restrictions)
- Incorporation of inhaled cannabis/cannabinoid products and delivery systems into exiting clean indoor and workplace air-quality laws
- Coordination of law enforcement and public safety related activities with the public health community
- Coordination of public health and behavioral health activities across public health cannabis related initiatives
- Prevention and treatment of health disparities related to adverse health impacts of cannabis availability and use by adults and youth
The full NACCHO policy statement is available here.