Marathon Hearings Continue, CHEAC Sponsored Measure Advances

This week, the California Legislature continued committee meetings with packed though truncated agendas for a variety of policy committees. Despite curtailing the number of bills heard in committees, meetings often took several hours as most testimony was provided over a conference line and extended cleanings took place between hearings.

CHEAC’s sponsored measure AB 3224 (Rodriguez), along with our partners at HOAC and SEIU, was heard in the Senate Health Committee on Monday, passing on a 8-0 vote. The bill advances to the Senate Appropriations Committee and will be heard this Monday, August 17th. AB 3224 proposes to require CDPH to contract with an appropriate and qualified entity to conduct an evaluation of the adequacy of the local health department infrastructure, including recommendations for future staffing, workforce, and resource needs.

Please see our updated CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart for specific information on bills of interest to CHEAC.