Legislature Returns from Spring Recess Next Monday

Sacramento was quiet this week as the California Legislature was away on its weeklong Spring Recess. The Senate and Assembly will be back in session next Monday, April 2 where a whirlwind of a month is expected in April. The Legislature faces two significant upcoming deadlines:

  • April 27: The last day for policy committees to hear and report fiscal bills introduced in their house of origin
  • May 11: The last day for policy committees to hear and report non-fiscal bills introduced in their house of origin

As such, the Legislature will be very busy with policy- and budget-related hearings occurring over the coming weeks.

There are no specific updates on bills this week given the Spring Recess. Our CHEAC Legislative Committee will be reviewing a significant amount of gut and amend bills today, and any new bills or positions will be reflected in next week’s bill chart. A handful of bills have been set for hearing, reflected in this week’s version of the CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart.