Legislature Continues Action on Remaining Two-Year Bills

With few days remaining before the January 31 deadline for two-year bills to be advanced from their house of origin, the Legislature this week continued consideration and action on a handful of measures. Busy floor sessions in both the Senate and Assembly early next week are likely to result in a number of bills that will survive a series of deadlines for two-year bills.

Below, we highlight several bills of interest to CHEAC Members. This week’s full CHEAC Bill Chart is available here.

Environmental Health

AB 626 (E. Garcia) as amended on 01/22/2018 – Oppose

AB 626 by Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia would create a new type of food facility termed “microenterprise home kitchens” in the California Retail Food Code. These new entities would be allowed to operate in private home kitchens and prepare and sell potentially-hazardous and time/temperature control foods, including meats, seafood, and produce. Local health departments would be required to permit and inspect these entities.

Recall, CHEAC and our county partners, including HOAC, CSAC, UCC, and RCRC, jointly oppose this measure with concerns around a substantial risk of foodborne illness and increased regulatory and enforcement functions beyond the scope and ability of local health departments.

The latest amendments made to AB 626 do not address our fundamental concerns and instead provide liability protections to third party platforms involved in microenterprise home kitchens. AB 626 is scheduled to be considered on the Assembly Floor on Monday, January 29.

Health Coverage/Health Reform

AB 11 (McCarty) as amended on 01/10/2018 – Support

AB 11 by Assembly Member Kevin McCarty would require screening services under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program to include developmental screening services for individuals zero to 3 years of age. CHEAC took a support position on the measure this week given our interest in enhanced developmental screening tools and activities, particularly among this vulnerable population. AB 11 is scheduled for consideration on the Assembly Floor on Monday, January 29.

Tobacco Control

AB 1097 (Levine) as revised on 01/18/2018 – Support

AB 1097 by Assembly Member Marc Levine would ban smoking on state beaches and parks. The measure allows the director of the Department of Parks and Recreation to post signs within state beaches and units of the state park system designating the areas as exempt from the ban and imposes a $50 violation fine. The measure will be considered on the Assembly Floor on Monday, January 29.