Legislature Acts on Several Budget Trailer Bills, Health Trailer Bills in Print

This week, the Legislature acted on several budget trailer bills that followed last week’s passage of AB 74, the 2019-20 Budget Act. A chart reflecting the status of all budget trailer bills is available here.

Notably, two health omnibus budget trailer bills are now in print, detailing implementation actions of health- and public health-related funding appropriated through the 2019-20 Budget Act. CHEAC has developed a detailed summary of items included in the two health omnibus bills that can be found below.

Health Omnibus I (AB 78/SB 78)

Health Omnibus II (AB 103/SB 104)

Budget Trailer Bills of Interest (as of June 21, 2019)

With the requirement for bills to be in print for a minimum of 72 hours prior to being acted upon, the Legislature is expected to act on the additional trailer bills next week.