LAO Publishes Reports on COVID-19 Issues

The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) continues to issue several relevant reports related to COVID-19 and its impacts on California. Included among the recent reports:

  • Federal Health-Related Response: This report highlights key federal actions in response to COVID-19 related to public health broadly and individual health care services. The post examines recent actions by Congress, the declaration of a national emergency, increased Medicaid funding, and the passage of legislature that provides resources for public health, hospitals and health care providers, and private health insurance coverage. The report was recently updated to reflect the state’s intention to cover COVID-19 testing for uninsured individuals through Medi-Cal.
  • Disaster Declarations and Funding Implications: This report assesses federal activities in marshaling resources to support states in COVID-19 response efforts, as well as mitigating associated economic impacts to businesses, local communities, and individuals. The report was recently updated to reflect the enactment of the federal CARES Act (H.R. 748).
  • COVID-19 and the National Guard: This report discusses the assistance the federal government is providing to states through the National Guard.

Additional information and reports are available from the LAO here.