IHSS MOE Briefly Revisited in Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3

On Thursday, the Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 on Health and Human Services briefly revisited the IHSS MOE deal reached during the 2017-18 budget negotiations. Will Lightbourne, Director of the California Department of Social Services, provided a concise recap of events surrounding the new MOE provisions, including the Administration’s elimination of the Coordinated Care Initiative and termination of the previous county MOE.

The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) did highlight the requirement for a two-year look back to evaluate the impacts of the IHSS MOE deal, however members of the Subcommittee did not have further questions at this time.

During public comment, CSAC thanked the Administration for their strong partnership and noted that while counties are managing the impact in the early years of the deal, that there is a need to revisit the MOE construct in the 2019-20 budget to ensure the delivery of IHSS and other critical services such as health and mental health. Our county associations submitted a joint coalition letter, which can be found here.