Governor Signs into Law Budget Act, Legislature Passes Health Trailer Bill

On Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law the state’s FY 2021-22 budget agreement between the Newsom Administration and the Legislature. Recall, last month the Legislature passed its own version of the budget (AB 128) to meet the June 15 constitutional budget deadline while negotiations between legislative leaders and the Newsom Administration.

Then, at the end of June, lawmakers secured agreement with the Newsom Administration and passed a measure (SB 129) representing the overall budget framework between the executive and legislative parties. Over the past couple weeks, the Senate and Assembly have continued negotiations and work on budget trailer bills that provide key implementation and funding details on various subject areas.

The Legislature this week passed over 10 budget trailer bills, including the health omnibus trailer bill (AB 133). Many of the budget trailer bills were signed into law by Governor Newsom today.

Of note, the health omnibus trailer bill includes numerous implementation provisions for California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), STDs and communicable disease control, and Medi-Cal benefits and services, among other areas. Notably, AB 133 does not include any provisions related to funding for public health infrastructure and workforce being sought by the California Can’t Wait Coalition.

CHEAC has published a summary chart of the major provisions included in AB 133. As a reminder, CHEAC’s FY 2021-22 Budget Agreement Memo is available here.

Additional information from the Governor’s Office about the state budget is available here and available here. A full budget agreement summary from the Department of Finance (DOF) is available here.