Governor Newsom Releases 2019-20 May Revision, Includes Funding for LHDs

Yesterday, Governor Gavin Newsom released the 2019-20 May Revision, which includes updated figures and proposed investments to the Governor’s January budget proposal.

Notably, Governor Newsom’s May Revision includes a proposed investment of $40 million one-time General Fund (available over four years) for local health departments (LHDs) and tribal communities for infectious disease prevention, testing, and treatment services. CHEAC and HOAC applaud Governor Newsom for the inclusion of this funding.

Over the coming weeks, Senate and Assembly Budget Subcommittees will hear funding proposals and modifications included in the May Revision. A Budget Conference Committee will meet upon subcommittees’ conclusion of business to reconcile items where the Senate and Assembly actions do not align. Recall, the Constitutional deadline for the Legislature to pass the budget is June 15.

CHEAC details key areas of interest to local health departments in our May Revision Budget Memo.

Additional links related to the May Revision and Budget Process are available below:

Governor’s May Revision Summary

Department of Finance Proposed Trailer Bill Language

Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) May Revision Highlights

May Revision Press Conference Video