Governor Brown Signs the 2018-19 State Budget

On Wednesday, Governor Jerry Brown signed his final budget, the Budget Act of 2018 (SB 840), while highlighting his significant accomplishment of taking the state from a $27 billion deficit to one that continues to save for the next recession and includes significant investments for combating homelessness, protecting immigrants, and providing K-14 and higher education.

Governor Brown did not issue any vetoes in the Legislature’s budget package. As such, all budget items reported in the June 14, 2018, CHEAC Budget Memo were included in the signed budget.

Additional trailer bills were passed this week dealing with local government taxation on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), Proposition 56 allocations, Medi-Cal, and No Place Like Home. CHEAC has highlighted Governor Brown’s signed budget and recent budget trailer bills in a memo available here.