Governor Brown Signs Notable Legislation with Deadline Nearing

With just under 10 days remaining to take action on bills, Governor Brown has steadily been making his way through the hundreds of bills sent to his desk by the Senate and Assembly. Recently, Governor Brown signed into law a comprehensive legislative package to increase the state’s housing supply and affordability. The measures, including SB 2 (Atkins), SB 3 (Beall), and SB 35 (Wiener), are expected to lead to the development of approximately 70,000 housing units throughout the state.

Additionally, Governor Brown signed into law this week SB 54 (de León), the sanctuary state bill, which would modify ways in which law enforcement agencies cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

As a reminder, CHEAC will issue a final bill chart following the October 15 deadline for Governor Brown to take action on bills. Below, we highlight a handful of CHEAC bills that were either signed into law or vetoed this week.

Maternal and Child Health

AB 1316 (Quirk) – Support

Chapter 507, Statutes of 2017

Assembly Member Bill Quirk’s AB 1316 was signed into law this week. The measure requires CDPH, in consultation with medical and environmental experts, to consider other significant environmental risk factors that could expose a child to lead contamination. CDPH is also required to use an electronic database to support electronic laboratory reporting of blood tests, management of lead-exposed children, and assessment of sources of lead exposure. AB 1316 goes into effect January 1, 2018, and requires regulations to be completed by July 1, 2018.

Communicable Disease Control

AB 1279 (Salas) – Watch

Vetoed by Governor

Assembly Member Rudy Salas’ AB 1279 was vetoed by the Governor this week. The measure was significantly watered down during the legislative process and would have required CDPH to develop outreach programs to educate the public about Valley Fever. In his veto message, Governor Brown cited existing Valley Fever public awareness outreach by CDPH and the need for additional resources to be allocated during the budget process for the expansion of CDPH’s work.

Health Equity

AB 1520 (Burke) – Watch

Chapter 415, Statutes of 2017

AB 1520 by Assembly Member Autumn Burke was signed into law this week. The measure creates the Lifting Children and Families Out of Poverty Task Force to study and annually report on how the Governor’s budget will impact the child poverty rate in California. Task force members will include representatives from county health and social services agencies, community agencies, and CDPH, DHCS, and DSS.