August 11, 2017 Edition

A Reminder to Register for 2017 CHEAC Annual Meeting

Registration for the 2017 CHEAC Annual Meeting is now open. The meeting will be held October 18-20 in Anaheim, California. For more information and to register, please visit our annual meeting page here.

Room reservations are due September 8, 2017, and meeting registration is due September 15, 2017. We encourage members to book room reservations and meeting registration as soon as possible. Please contact us at or (916) 327-7540 for questions. We look forward to seeing you in Anaheim!

NACCHO 2017–2018 Accreditation Support Initiative (ASI) RFP Released

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) has again released a Request for Proposals for the Accreditation Support Initiative (ASI) grants they have provided the past six fiscal years (starting in 2011/12). These grants, up to $15,000, are designed to assist local health departments with stimulating quality improvement and promoting health department readiness to seek national accreditation through PHAB. Project activities include efforts to meet identified PHAB application requirements, the achievement of PHAB standards and measures, and offsetting accreditation fees (up to 50 percent of the total fee).

Information on the RFP can be found on NACCHO’s website here, and applications for the ASI must be submitted by August 30, 2017. NACCHO and the CDC are hosting a teleconference on Thursday, August 17, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm PST, to walk through the RFP and application process. For more information on other ASI awardees, including several California LHDs, please click here.

Trump to Declare Opioid Crisis a National Emergency

Speaking to reporters this week, President Donald Trump indicated he is preparing to declare the growing opioid epidemic a “national emergency.” By declaring the epidemic an emergency, Trump promised “to spend a lot of time, a lot of effort, and a lot of money on the opioid crisis.” The Trump Administration is reportedly still drafting paperwork to declare the national emergency, a first of its kind at the federal level for a non-communicable health condition.

Recall recently the Presidential Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis recommended that the president immediately declare a national emergency as part of its draft interim report. As a result, President Trump formally directed his Administration to “use all appropriate authority” to respond to the growing opioid epidemic according to a statement released this week from the White House. Additional materials and details related to the pending national emergency are expected at a future date.

CDPH Chronic Disease Prevention Advisory Group Members Sought

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CCDPHP) has recently formed a Local Leadership Advisory Group as part of the Center’s strategic planning efforts. The Local Leadership Advisory Group will review materials and provide feedback and advice to CDPH on proposed planning activities. The group will consist of CHEAC and CCLHO representatives, as well as other local-based stakeholders.

The group will meet monthly for a one hour conference call beginning this month. If you are interested in joining the CCDPHP Local Leadership Advisory Group, please contact Jack Anderson at as soon as possible.