CHEAC Legislative Committee Reviews Nearly 80 New Bills, Updated Bill Chart Coming Soon

Today, the CHEAC Legislative Committee met in-person in Sacramento to review the first batch of new bills introduced by the Legislature in 2018. In reviewing nearly 80 new measures, the Legislative Committee conducted an initial assessment of the potential impact on local health departments and public health and took positions on a number of measures. CHEAC Staff will be updating the bill chart with these new measures, as identified by the Legislative Committee, and posting the updated bill chart next week.

Recall, the Legislature’s deadline for bill introductions was last Friday, February 16. The Legislature introduced nearly 1,600 new measures during last week alone. The CHEAC Legislative Committee will be meeting in-person again on Friday, March 9 to review the second batch of these new measures and assess the potential impact on public health. Stay tuned for additional new bills and updated CHEAC Weekly Bill Charts.