CHEAC Hosts Successful State Legislative Member Education Day

On Wednesday, CHEAC hosted its first State Legislative Member Education Day in Sacramento. The event was held as part of the CHEAC Strategic Plan Priority Area #1: Policy and Advocacy which seeks to equip CHEAC Members for advocacy and educate legislators about the role and value of local health departments and agencies. Training was provided to participants on how to engage with legislators, educate them about public health issues in their jurisdiction, and discuss local public health resource needs.

14 CHEAC Member jurisdictions participated, representing small, medium, and large counties, as well as strong geographical representation throughout the state. CHEAC Members completed over 35 visits to legislators and/or their staff in the State Capitol, including those that chair or are members of key legislative committees. CHEAC extends our gratitude to those CHEAC Members that participated and looks forward to continuing to promote local health departments and their critical role in their jurisdictions.