CHEAC Hosts State Legislative Member Education Days, Legislature Nears Bill Introduction Deadline

This week, CHEAC held its State Legislative Member Education Days in a virtual format with numerous California State Senators and Assembly Members. 17 jurisdictions participated in this year’s annual event, meeting with 24 legislator offices to urge support of the California Can’t Wait Coalition Public Health Equity and Readiness Opportunity (HERO) Initiative.

CHEAC extends our sincere gratitude to legislators, staff, and CHEAC Members and jurisdictions who participated in this year’s CHEAC Annual Legislative Member Education Days. More photos from legislator meeting are available on CHEAC’s Twitter page.

Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire meets with Humboldt County Public Health Director Sofia Pereira and CHEAC Executive Director Michelle Gibbons.

In other legislative news, one week remains for lawmakers to introduce new bills for the second year of the 2021-22 Legislative Session. Bill introductions have begun to increase this week, and the bulk of bill introductions are anticipated next week. CHEAC will soon hold its two daylong meetings with our Legislative Committee to identify and take positions on measures of most interest to California local health departments and public health.

This week, Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins announced committee membership changes after promoting Senator Mike McGuire as the Senate Majority Leader. Senator Richard Roth has been assigned to the Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee, and Senator Anna Caballero will assume the chair of the Senate Governance & Finance Committee. Senators Josh Becker and Lena Gonzalez have also been added as presiding officers over Senate Floor proceedings.

On the Assembly side, Assembly Member James Gallagher was unanimously elected as the Assembly Minority Leader by his fellow Assembly Republican members. Gallagher takes the helm from Assembly Member Marie Waldron who has served in the Assembly since 2012 and as Minority Leader since 2018. Gallagher now leads the Assembly’s 19 Republican Members.

For a full update of CHEAC-tracked measures, the latest edition of the CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart is available here.