CDPH EPO Training Workshop Registration and Call for Abstracts Now Open
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Emergency Preparedness Office (EPO) 2020 Emergency Preparedness Training Workshop will be held June 15-17 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. The training workshop is designed for local public health emergency preparedness (PHEP), hospital preparedness program (HPP), and pandemic influenza (Pan Flu) grant funded programs to receive training on current grant requirements, enhance preparedness knowledge, and gather information on best practices and lessons learned that can be taken back to their local program. Registration for the workshop is now open.
Additionally, the 2020 Planning Committee invites interested parties to submit a proposal for the workshop, which is themed “Next Generation Preparedness.” All abstracts may include lessons learned from working together with at-risk and functional and access needs populations within communities. The deadline to submit a workshop proposal is Wednesday, March 11. A poster session opportunity is also available, and the deadline for submission is March 18. Additional information on the opportunities is available here.