CDC Vital Signs Highlights Antibiotic Resistance

This month’s edition of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vital Signs report explores antibiotic resistance (AR) and public health strategies to address the ongoing threat of dangerous bacteria. Nationwide tests in 2017 identified 221 instances of unusual resistance genes in “nightmare bacteria” that render such infections virtually untreatable.

The CDC has taken a more aggressive approach to antibiotic resistance over the last year by establishing a nationwide network of laboratories and laboratory capacity to more quickly identify and respond to these types of bacteria. Working closely with state and local health departments, the CDC is now able to mobilize a rapid response to control and prevent the spread of dangerous bacteria, particularly in health care facilities. In fact, the CDC estimates that this aggressive approach could prevent 1,600 dangerous bacteria infections in one state over three years.

The Vital Signs report highlights the important work of state and local health departments in leading the CDC Containment Strategy and urges health care providers and facilities to act swiftly in collaboration with public health officials at the first sign of unusual antibiotic resistance.

The full CDC Vital Signs report is available here.