Category: Legislative Updates

Governor Brown Faces Sunday Deadline to Take Action on Bills

Governor Jerry Brown has until this Sunday, September 30 to sign or veto bills passed by the California Legislature at the end of the 2017-18 legislative session. While Governor Brown has been maintaining a steady pace of signing and vetoing bills this week, a significant number of bills remain outstanding before Sunday’s deadline. CHEAC will…

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Many Bills Await Governor’s Action, Brown Signs AB 626

With just under 10 days remaining for Governor Jerry Brown to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature prior to their August 31 adjournment, many bills await the Governor’s action. Governor Brown has maintained a pace of approximately 50 bills per day, signing more bills than issuing vetoes. On Tuesday, Governor Brown signed into…

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Legislature Concludes 2017-18 Legislative Session

Moments ago, the California Legislature concluded its 2017-18 Legislative Session. The Senate and Assembly held floor sessions each day this week, working to finalize negotiations and pass remaining measures. A 2018 End of Session Memo which includes the latest CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart is available here.

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One Week Remains in Legislative Session

With one week remaining in the 2017-2018 legislative session, a flurry of activity continues in Sacramento. The Senate, with over 600 bills to work through as of Monday, convened daily floor sessions this week. Meanwhile, the Assembly with approximately 400 bills, convened floor sessions on three days. Notably this week, the Legislature approved a measure,…

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Suspense File Hearings Held, Two Weeks Remain in Legislative Session

Yesterday, the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees held their suspense file hearings, meeting today’s deadline for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the floor. Both committees reviewed more than 600 measures combined, deciding the fate of a significant number of bills with just two weeks remaining in the legislative session. The California Legislature…

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Legislature Resumes Busy Schedule, Suspense File Hearings Next Week

On Monday, the Legislature returned to Sacramento from its month-long summer recess, resuming a very busy schedule of hearings and floor debate. With just three weeks remaining in the 2017-18 Legislative Session, time is dwindling for Senators and Assembly Members to finalize amendments and advance their measures. Notably this week, the Conference Committee on Wildfire…

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Legislature Returns from Summer Recess on Monday

The California Legislature returns to Sacramento on Monday after its month-long summer recess. Upon their return, legislators face a very busy month ahead prior to the session’s adjournment on August 31. Fiscal committees have an August 17 deadline to meet and report fiscal bills to the floor, and the Legislature will enter into a floor-only…

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Legislature Adjourns for Summer Recess

The California Legislature wrapped up its work yesterday afternoon and adjourned for its month-long summer recess. This week, several policy committees held hearings to meet today’s deadline to hear and report all non-fiscal bills. The Legislature will reconvene on Monday, August 6. Upon their return, legislators will face a very busy four weeks of fiscal…

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Ballot Initiatives Influence State Budget and Policy, Budget Trailer Bill Bans Local Soda Taxes

The ability for local governments to impose taxes and fees on sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages was highly debated in the California State Legislature this week. Two trailer bills, SB 872 and AB 1838 were introduced to ban the ability for local jurisdictions to impose new taxes on groceries, which by definition includes sugar-sweetened beverages/sodas, until…

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