Category: Legislative Updates

Legislature, Governor Finalize $26 Billion Wildfire Liability Measure

This week, the California Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom finalized a sweeping $26 billion wildfire liability measure aimed at protecting wildfire victims, creating additional safety and oversight processes for public utilities, and holding public utility companies accountable for safety of their infrastructure systems. After extensive negotiations between the Legislature, Administration, and relevant utility and wildfire…

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Policy Committees Face Looming Deadline Prior to Summer Recess

The California Legislature this week continued with a steady pace of bill negotiations and amendments and policy committee hearings, facing a looming deadline in two weeks for fiscal and non-fiscal bills to be heard in second house policy committees. Facing an abbreviated timeline next week due to the Independence Day holiday, policy committee hearing agendas…

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Policy Committees Resume Hearings in Opposite House

This week, Assembly and Senate policy committees once again began holding hearings on measures advanced out of their house of origin in compliance with the May 31 deadline. The Legislature has just over one month before facing additional deadlines for policy committees to hear and report fiscal bills to fiscal committees (July 10) and non-fiscal…

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Legislature Faces Fiscal Committee Deadline Next Friday

This week, the California Legislature maintained a steady pace of committee and floor activities as it approaches a series of upcoming deadlines. Today marks the last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 3, and next Friday marks the last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the floor bills introduced…

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