Category: Legislative Updates

Assembly Holds Joint Informational Hearing on Vaping Tobacco and Cannabis Products

On Wednesday, the Assembly Health, Governmental Organization, Business and Professions Committees convened a joint informational hearing titled, “Vaping Tobacco and Cannabis Products: Health Effects and Deficiencies in Regulation and Current Law.” The nearly four-hour hearing was convened amid increasing youth and young adult use of vaping products, ongoing reports of vaping-related illnesses and injuries nationwide,…

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Referenda Seeking to Reverse Immunization Medical Exemption Laws Cleared for Circulation

This week, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla cleared for circulation two referenda challenging California statute related to state oversight of medical exemptions for school immunization requirements enacted through Senator Richard Pan’s SB 276 and SB 714. Recall, the two measures were passed and signed into law earlier this month after a flurry of activities,…

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California Legislature Returns from Summer Recess, Four Weeks Remain in Session

The California Legislature returned to Sacramento on Monday from its month-long summer recess, resuming bill negotiations, committee hearings, and floor deliberations. Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees face an August 30 deadline to hear and report fiscal bills to their respective floors. Appropriations Committees are expected to hold suspense file hearings the last week of August…

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Legislature Concludes Marathon Week of Hearings, Begins Month-Long Summer Recess

The California Legislature this week undertook an extremely busy schedule, featuring several committee hearings that stretched many hours and the advancement of a number of high-profile measures. Wednesday was the deadline for policy committees to hear and report fiscal measures to fiscal committees, and today was the deadline for policy committees to hear and report…

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