Category: Affordable Care Act

Divergent Health Care Proposals Emerge at the Federal Level

This week, two very different proposals related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and federal health insurance marketplaces were introduced by members of Congress. Washington continues to debate and discuss potential options to health care reforms, and we highlight some of this week’s activities below. Graham-Cassidy Proposal Led by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and…

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Recent Developments on Federal Health Insurance Reforms

Harris to Co-Sponsor “Medicare for All” Bill During a town hall event this week in Oakland, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris announced her intention to co-sponsor the single-payer “Medicare for All” bill that U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders will introduce in September. Stating that “it’s just the right thing to do,” Harris departed from the position of…

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CDC Releases Report on Health Insurance Coverage

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report this week of health insurance coverage estimates from the first quarter of the 2017 National Health Interview Survey. The results have indicated that 8.8 percent of the population—28.1 million Americans of all ages—were uninsured between January and March 2017. Prior to the Affordable…

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CBO Releases Report on Impact of Ending Cost-Sharing Reductions

On Tuesday this week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report requested by House Democrats analyzing the potential impact of terminating payments for cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) on the federal budget, health insurance coverage, market stability, and health insurance premiums. Under current law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurers to offer plans with reduced…

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Senate Republicans Release Revised ‘Better Care Reconciliation Act’

Upon returning from their Independence Day Recess this week, Senate Republicans unveiled their revised version of the ‘Better Care Reconciliation Act’ to repeal-and-replace the Affordable Care Act. Senate Republicans experienced intense turmoil from within their party and stiff opposition from the general public after releasing their initial discussion draft of the BCRA on June 22….

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A Flurry of Activities this Week around the Senate’s ‘Better Care Reconciliation Act’

Senate Republicans Postpone Vote on ‘Better Care Reconciliation Act’ After releasing the ‘Better Care Reconciliation Act’ (BCRA) late last week, Senate Republicans faced stiff opposition, both from the public and within their party, forcing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to postpone the vote until after the July 4 Recess. On Monday, the Congressional Budget Office…

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