Category: Affordable Care Act

Covered California Enrollment Jumps 23 Percent

During the first two weeks of open enrollment, the number of new customers enrolling in health insurance through the Covered California marketplace jumped 23 percent compared to the same period last year. More than 48,000 new customers signed up for subsidized health plan coverage between November 1 and November 14 this year, compared to 39,000…

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Congressional Republicans Consider Repealing Individual Mandate, CBO Releases Analysis

As part of ongoing discussions and debate around tax reform measures, Congressional Republicans are considering repealing the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance coverage mandate. Such a move would likely provide offsets for additional tax cuts that have recently been proposed by Republicans, though reports have revealed several Republicans are concerned about the chances of a…

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Additional Health Care Reforms Considered, Health Insurance Market Uncertainty Looms

Despite a series of failed negotiations and legislative attempts throughout the year, Congress continues to propose measures to attempt to stabilize federal health insurance marketplaces. We highlight the latest proposals below, as well as detail recent developments around health insurance premiums in light of President Trump’s decision to end cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments. Legislative Proposals…

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Trump Signs Executive Order Directing Overhaul of ACA Regulations, Announces End of CSR Payments

On Thursday this week, President Donald Trump took two decisive actions related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which are likely to send health insurance marketplaces into turmoil. Earlier in the day, President Trump signed an executive order directing key agencies to issue new regulations and guidance related to provisions of the ACA. Later, the…

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Threats to Affordable Care Act Continue

Despite failing to legislatively repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) last month, Congressional Republicans and Trump Administration officials are expected to continue attempts to undermine the ACA through what’s being characterized as a “synthetic repeal” through a series of administrative and budgetary actions. It is rumored that President Trump may soon sign an…

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Covered California Rate Decisions Expected Next Week

With uncertainty around the continuation of cost-sharing reductions to subsidize health exchanges by the federal government, Covered California has been delaying its decision on setting its premium rate increases. Covered California enrollees will be able to view coverage options and plans beginning on October 11. If Congress does not take action on cost-sharing reductions by…

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U.S. Senate Abandons Graham-Cassidy Proposal

Earlier this week, Senate Republicans announced they would not hold a vote on the last-ditch Graham-Cassidy proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Over the weekend and early this week, a handful of senators continued to express uncertainty and opposition to the proposal, including Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), John…

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DHCS Releases Analysis of Graham-Cassidy Proposal

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in collaboration with Covered California and the Department of Finance (DOF), released a preliminary analysis on the potential impact the Graham-Cassidy proposal would have on California. The analysis notes similar programmatic and fiscal concerns with previous Republican health care proposals, but notes the Graham-Cassidy proposal “is the…

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Newsom Indicates Support for Universal, Single-Payer Coverage

Appearing before the California Nurses Association, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom today urged state legislators to move forward with SB 562 by Senator Ricardo Lara which would establish universal, single-payer health care in California. Recall, the measure was shelved in the Assembly by Speaker Anthony Rendon earlier this summer, due to a lack of details around…

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