California Legislature Meets Bill Introduction Deadline, Assembly Announces Select Committees Chairs

Today is the final day for the California Legislature to introduce bills for the 2019 Legislative Session. Over 1,800 bills have been introduced this year, covering an expansive range of topics and subject areas. The Senate and Assembly Desks remain open today and are expected to continue processing bill introductions into the weekend.

The CHEAC Legislative Committee is in the process of reviewing all public health-related measures that have been introduced during upcoming in-person meetings. The CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart will once again be published on a weekly basis beginning next week and will feature bills impacting local health departments.

Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Proposals

Notably this week, Assembly Members Rob Bonta, David Chiu, Richard Bloom and Buffy Wicks and Senator Bill Monning introduced a package of bills that aim to reduce the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in California. The legislators held a press conference on Wednesday detailing their intent to address the ongoing “health crisis” and attempt to hold accountable the beverage industry, particularly in light of the deal that was struck during the 2018 budget process which placed a moratorium on new local grocery and SSB taxes through 2030. This week’s proposals include efforts to prohibit beverage company marketing and promotional activities, place a limit on unsealed beverage containers, implement a soda tax, require healthier beverage options at store checkout aisles, and require warning labels on SSBs. Additional language and details on these proposals is expected over the next several weeks.

Assembly Announces Chairs of 53 Select Committees

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon today announced chairperson appointments to 53 Assembly Select Committees. Select committees are tasked with gathering topical informational and convening hearings on a variety of issues and topics, ranging from energy and environment to the economy to health. Membership for the select committees have not yet been fully established at this time. Below, we highlight several key select committee chairperson announcements:

  • Select Committee on Infectious Diseases – Assembly Member Mike Gipson, Chair
  • Select Committee on Health Care Access in Rural Communities – Assembly Member Adam Gray, Chair
  • Select Committee on Local Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness – Assembly Member Freddie Rodriguez, Chair
  • Select Committee on Domestic Violence – Assembly Member Blanca Rubio, Chair
  • Select Committee on Gun Violence in Communities of Color – Assembly Member Mike Gipson, Chair
  • Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health – Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, Chair

The full listing of Assembly Select Committees is available on the Assembly website here.