California Extends Vaccine Requirement to Additional Workers to Protect Vulnerable Residents from COVID-19

This week, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a statewide public health order requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in adult and senior care facilities, as well as those employed in in-home direct care settings, to protect vulnerable residents from the virus.

The order, issued by CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Tomás Aragón, applies to the following individuals:

  • All workers who provide services or work in Adult and Senior Care Facilities (ASC) licensed by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
  • All in-home direct care services workers, including registered home care aides and certified home health aides, except those workers who provide services to a recipient with whom they live or who are a family member
  • All waiver personal care services (WPCS), defined by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), and in-home supportive services (IHSS) providers, as defined by CDSS, except those workers who provide services to a recipient with whom they live or who are a family member
  • All hospice workers providing services in the home or licensed facility
  • All regional center employees, as well as service provider workers, who provide services to a consumer through the network of Regional Centers serving individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities, except those workers who provide services to a recipient with whom they live or who are a family member

The state’s new vaccine requirement mirrors the vaccine requirement for health care personnel in the state announced in early August. Workers covered by this week’s order must receive their first dose of a one-dose regimen or their second dose of a two-dose regimen by November 30, 2021. Limited exemptions for religious beliefs or qualifying medical reasons are provided under the order. Workers who receive an exemption must test for COVID-19 on a weekly basis and wear a face covering while in the home or facility.

The full state public health officer order is available here.