Budget Update

Governor Brown’s Budget Release

The Governor released his  2017-18 budget proposal this past Tuesday. Unlike in recent years, the Governor projects a $1.6 billion deficit in the forthcoming fiscal year. While the Governor remarked on the looming federal changes ahead, his proposal continues to assume current federal policies and funding levels. CHEAC prepared a summary of the Governor’s proposed budget, which can be found here.

The California Department of Public Health and Department of Health Care Services also released budget highlight documents which are linked below:

California Department of Public Health

California Department of Health Care Services

Legislative Analyst’s Office Summary

The LAO published their initial response to the Governor’s 2017-18 budget proposal, which can be found here.

California Budget and Policy Center Webinar

The California Budget and Policy Center, an independent entity that provides fact-based, nonpartisan analyses of state fiscal and tax policies, released its budget brief, summarizing key provisions of the Governor’s proposed budget. They will host a webinar on Wednesday, January 18 at 1:00 pm. To sign up for this webinar, click here.