Biden-Harris Administration to Donate 25 Million COVID-19 Vaccines Globally

This week, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a series of strategies to address the COVID-19 pandemic in countries throughout the world, including by donating U.S. vaccine supply, working with U.S. manufacturers to increase vaccine production for the rest of the world, and assisting more countries expand capacity to produce vaccines.

Specifically, the Biden-Harris Administration announced its framework for sharing at least 80 million U.S. vaccine doses globally by the end of June. As part of this effort, the Administration will share 75 percent of vaccines through COVAX, prioritizing distribution to Latin America and the Caribbean, South and Southeast Asia, and Africa. The remaining 25 percent of the supply will be dedicated for immediate needs and surges around the world.

Additional information on the Biden-Harris Administration’s global COVID-19 vaccination efforts is available here.