Biden Commemorates World AIDS Day, Renews Commitments to Ending the Epidemic

On Wednesday, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. issued a proclamation commemorating World AIDS Day and calling on states, territories, and the American people to join the HIV community in activities to remember those who have lost their lives to AIDS. As part of the President’s proclamation, the White House detailed a series of actions to accelerate the fight against HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and abroad.

These actions include:

  • Releasing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy – The national strategy provides a framework and direction for the Administration’s policies, research, programs, and planning through 2025 and leads the country toward ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S. by 2030. The new strategy incorporates the latest data on HIV trends, expands the focus on addressing the social determinants of health, encourages reform of state HIV criminalization laws, and adds a new focus on opportunities to engage with the private sector.
  • Hosting the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference – President Biden underscored his commitment to the United States hosting the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Replenishment Conference in 2022. As a founding member of the Global Fund, the U.S. will ensure that the anniversary of the establishment of the fund accelerates progress to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.

The Biden-Harris Administration additionally highlights several HIV-related actions taken during their term, including reinstating the White House Office of National AIDS Policy and requesting significant investments to End the HIV Epidemic domestically.

Additional information from the Biden-Harris Administration is available here.