Governor Unveils 2022-23 Budget Proposal, Includes $300M for Public Health Infrastructure

On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled his Administration’s proposed 2022-23 state budget. Notably, the Governor’s budget includes $300 million ongoing General Fund for public health infrastructure beginning in 2022-23, consistent with the agreement reached last year between the California Can’t Wait Coalition, the Legislature, and the Newsom Administration.

CHEAC produced a memo detailing proposed investments of most interest to California local health departments. The memo is available here.

Following the presentation of his budget proposal, Governor Newsom spent the week promoting several topline investments included in his Administration’s “California Blueprint.” Governor Newsom visited a COVID-19 testing site in Los Angeles County on Wednesday and highlighted his proposed $2.7 billion COVID-19 emergency response package, which includes a $1.4 billion early action budget request. The package includes investments for testing, vaccinations, health care worker staffing, state operations, and contacting tracing activities. The Newsom Administration touted the praise of the pandemic emergency response package received by public health, health, and state and local leaders, including CHEAC Executive Director Michelle Gibbons.

On Tuesday, Governor Newsom traveled to the Central Valley to highlight his Administration’s proposal to expand full-scope Medi-Cal eligibility to all income-eligible residents, regardless of immigration status. Governor Newsom spent Wednesday in San Diego County, visiting a homeless encampment and highlighting partnerships between state, local, and community-based partners to assist residents experiencing homelessness. The Governor promoted his Administration’s proposed $2 billion investment to support new housing units and treatment slots which builds upon a significant, multiyear investment included in the 2021 Budget Act.

The Administration is anticipated to continue highlighting its investment proposals as the Legislature begins its budget work in earnest over the coming weeks. The Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee will convene an informational hearing on the Governor’s budget on Wednesday, January 19. The Assembly Budget Committee will convene a similar hearing on Wednesday, January 26.

CHEAC will continue to keep Member jurisdictions apprised of the latest budget developments, including on public health infrastructure and workforce. CHEAC’s budget advocacy page is accessible here.