Rendon Announces Assembly Committee Chair Changes

Amid redistricting activities and numerous announcements from lawmakers seeking other political offices, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon recently announced a series of changes to committee chairpersons.

Last month, Speaker Rendon removed Assembly Member Evan Low as the chair and member of the Committee on Business and Professions. Low, who has served as chair for the past five years, was reportedly not offered an explanation for change. Rendon, in Low’s place, appointed Assembly Member Marc Berman as the committee chair.

Also, this week, Rendon appointed Assembly Member Miguel Santiago as the chair of the Committee on Governmental Organization after chair Assembly Member Jim Frazier announced his resignation from the Assembly at the end of the year. Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva was appointed as the chair of the Committee on Communications and Conveyance, succeeding Santiago. Assembly Member Buffy Wicks was appointed as chair of the Committee on Housing and Community Development, replacing David Chiu who has since become San Francisco’s City Attorney.

Last, Rendon appointed Assembly Member Christopher Ward as Assistant Majority Leader, replacing Assembly Member Ed Chau, who Governor Newsom recently appointed as a judge for Los Angeles County.

As redistricting maps are soon finalized and the 2022 election day nears, more candidacy and office-change announcements are all but certain.