Biden-Harris Administration Issues National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the release of the new National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, detailing the country’s strategy to addressing human trafficking. The plan delineates actions and resources across numerous federal agencies and emphasizes collaboration with state and local governments, the private sector, and non-governmental partners.

The National Action Plan retains a central focus on the foundational pillars of U.S. and global anti-trafficking efforts relative to prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnerships. Within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration officials will provide trauma-informed training and technical assistance to agency staff and partners, strengthen screening tools and referral protocols, design more inclusive service programs, and expand prevention efforts. Specific HHS activities in the National Action Plan include:

  • Enhance community-coordinated response to human trafficking of youth through grants, programs, training, resources, and partnerships
  • Establish and implement a National Human Trafficking Prevention Action Plan
  • Provide information and facilitate discussions about forced labor in public health supply chains
  • Work with social media and technology industry on the development of innovative efforts to prevent human trafficking
  • Strengthen two-generation approaches to strengthen economic self-sufficiency through early childhood development, postsecondary and employment pathways, social capital, and economic assets
  • Increase access to mental health and other health services, including developing outreach campaigns that stress the importance of mental health and wellbeing

Additional information, including the full plan, from the White House is available here.