CDPH Issues 2019-20 Kindergarten Immunization Report

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recently issued its 2019-20 Kindergarten Immunization Assessment, detailing immunization rates for California children. According to CDPH, immunization rates reported for kindergarteners in California have remained at high levels (94.3 percent in 2019-20) but have decreased slightly over recent years.

A modest decrease in the combined vaccination rate in 2019-20 reflects enactment of the new requirement for a second dose of Varicella vaccine. In both 2018-19 and 2019-20, 17 counties reported fewer than 95 percent of their kindergarteners receiving two doses of MMR, compared to 14 counties in 2016-17 and 31 counties in 2015-16. The proportion of kindergarteners with a permanent medical exemption increased slightly from 0.9 percent to 1.0 percent in 2019-20.

Additional information from CDPH is available here.