Senate Rules Committee Advances Aragón’s CDPH Appointment

On Wednesday, the California Senate Rules Committee held a hearing to consider the Governor’s appointment of Dr. Tomás Aragón as the Director and State Public Health Officer of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). During the hearing, Dr. Aragón discussed his background and qualifications for the position, areas of prioritization for CDPH, and his vision for and approach to improving the health of all state residents.

Committee members had the opportunity to ask questions of Dr. Aragón, which included topics such as public health infrastructure and funding, epidemiological surveillance capacities, engagement with local health departments (LHDs), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), opioid misuse, COVID-19 response activities, and emergency preparedness. Senators applauded Dr. Aragón for stepping into the role amid the COVID-19 pandemic and spoke highly of his qualifications, professionalism, and collaborative approach.

The Senate Rules Committee unanimously advanced the appointment of Dr. Aragón as CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer on a 5-0 vote. The full Senate will consider confirming Dr. Aragón to his position in the coming weeks.

A video recording of the Senate Rules Committee hearing is available here.