Cal/OSHA Delays Action on Relaxing COVID-19 Workplace Restrictions

On Thursday, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB) postponed a scheduled vote on the Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) proposal that would have allowed individuals to return to workplaces without physical distancing or face coverings if all individuals in the workplace are vaccinated. The delay came at the request of Cal/OSHA leadership that OSHSB not vote to approve the current proposed standards following this week’s earlier announcement from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) indicating that guidance for the use of face coverings would be relaxed in nonworkplace settings on June 15.

With the delay, Cal/OSHA requested OSHSB to allow Cal/OSHA to present a new proposal at a future meeting, which is anticipated to occur on June 3. A revised Cal/OSHA proposal is anticipated to be made public by May 28.

Additional information from Cal/OSHA is available here.