Bonta Confirmed as Attorney General

Assembly Member Rob Bonta on Thursday was confirmed as California’s next Attorney General by the California State Senate and Assembly. Recall, Governor Gavin Newsom last month nominated Bonta to succeed Xavier Becerra, who is now the Secretary of the U.S. Health and Human Services.

Bonta was confirmed to his new position on a 29-6 vote in the Senate with three Republicans not voting and a 62-0 vote in the Assembly with Republicans not voting. He becomes the first Filipino American to serve as California Attorney General, and he will face reelection to his new role in November 2022. A special election will be held to fill the Assembly vacancy created by Bonta’s confirmation; just recently, Bonta’s wife, Mia Bonta, announced her candidacy for the seat.

Governor Newsom late this afternoon administered the oath of office to now-Attorney General Rob Bonta.