DHCS Releases CalAIM Proposal

On Monday, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) released a multi-year initiative, California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM). The Administration identified three primary goals for CalAIM:

  1. Identify and manage member risk and need through Whole Person Care Approaches and addressing the Social Determinants of Health;
  2. Move Medi-Cal to a more consistent and seamless system by reducing complexity and increasing flexibility; and
  3. Improve quality outcomes and drive delivery system transformation through value-based initiatives, modernization of systems, and payment reform.

Key components of CalAIM are highlighted in the embedded presentation from the October 29 Stakeholder Advisory Committee.

DHCS will solicit input on various aspects of the CalAIM proposal through the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (DHCS SAC), Behavioral Health Stakeholder Advisory Committee, and the newly established CalAIM Workgroups:

CHEAC is a member of the DHCS SAC and two of the CalAIM workgroups – Population Health Management Strategy and Plan Enrollment and Enhanced Care Management and In Lieu of Services – and will provide regular updates as discussions progress. For additional updates, please subscribe to the DHCS stakeholder email service.