DHCS Issues Guidance on $20m Funding Opportunity for Non-WPC Counties

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) today issued guidance related to the 2019-20 Governor’s Budget investment of $20 million from the Mental Health Services Fund to encourage additional counties to initiate Whole Person Care-like pilot capacity at the local level. California has successfully established 25 Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilot programs throughout the state to provide target populations with a range of comprehensive services and supports to address unmet needs and improve the quality and outcomes of high-risk populations.

This new one-time funding opportunity provides jurisdictions beyond the current 25 WPC Pilot counties the ability to establish similar programming, care coordination, and services for targeted populations. The funding allocation methodology considers the prevalence of homelessness, geographical cost of living using Fair Market Rent (FMR), and individuals who are mentally ill and are experiencing homelessness using the Point in Time Count (PIT). Funded jurisdictions may perform a series of administrative and programmatic activities such as core program development, planning, and support, IT infrastructure, intensive case management, housing services and supports, non-traditional housing solutions, and purchase of mobile units for mobile health and behavioral health services.

DHCS requests that interested counties submit a letter of interest/application describing how the county intends to use the funding, letters of support from community partners, and a signed Board of Supervisors resolution upon approval of the funding request. Applications are due to DHCS by December 2, 2019, with an expected funding release date of March 31, 2020. Funds will be available for encumbrance or expenditure until June 30, 2025.

Additional information, including an overview, methodology, and application, from DHCS is available here.