Fiscal Committees Hold Suspense File Hearings

Fiscal Committees Hold Suspense File Hearings

Today marks the deadline for fiscal committees to hear and report bills in their house of origin. Both the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees reviewed a number of bills in Suspense File hearings this week. Below, we highlight actions of interest to CHEAC Members.

An updated version of the CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart is available here.

Environmental Health

AB 1964 (Maienschein) – Oppose Unless Amended – Held on Suspense

AB 1964, by Assembly Member Brian Maienschein, originally sought to add day camps to the existing definition of organized camps, thereby creating an additional mandate on local enforcement agencies. CHEAC took an ‘oppose unless amended’ with a county coalition consisting of HOAC, CSAC, UCC and RCRC, and specifically sought amendments to limit the role of the local enforcement agency to solely the health and sanitation aspects of a day camp. The bill was subsequently amended in the Senate Health Committee to create a new definition for organized day camps in statute and would require local enforcement agencies to issue a health and sanitation permit to day camps with food service.

Though the amendments were a step in the right direction, CHEAC and our county colleagues continued to maintain our ‘oppose unless amended’ position and sought additional provisions to: 1) clarify the definition of organized day camps; and 2) to clarify the role of the local enforcement agency in overseeing a day camp without a facility and/or fixed location. No new amendments were offered by the author’s office. The bill was held on suspense in the Assembly Appropriations Committee and will not move forward in the legislative process.

CHEAC would like thank our members and county colleagues for sending letters, engaging with members of the legislature, and supporting our advocacy efforts on this bill.

Health Care Coverage/Health Care Reform

AB 2430 (Arambula) – Support – Passed

Would expand Medi-Cal eligibility for seniors or disabled individuals from 100% FPL up to 138% FPL.

AB 2965 (Arambula) – Support – Passed with amendments

Would expand Medi-Cal eligibility to all undocumented adults with income at or below 138% FPL. Amendments would narrow the eligibility to adults ages 19-25, conforming to the actions taken by the Assembly budget subcommittee.

AB 2275 (Arambula) – Support – Passed

Requires DHCS to establish a quality assessment and performance improvement program for all Medi-Cal managed care plans to improve quality and reduce health disparities beginning in January 2021.

SB 945 (Atkins) – Support –Passed

Eliminates caps on the period of coverage for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment program and allows coverage for the duration of treatment.

SB 1023 (Hernandez) – Support – Passed with amendments

Clarifies that health care service plans, health insurers and Medi-Cal managed care plans may cover sexual and reproductive health services provided through telehealth services. Amendments would make it contingent upon federal approval.

SB 1264 (Stone) – Support– Passed

Requires specified hypertension medication management services to be included as a Medi-Cal covered pharmacist benefit.

SB 974 (Lara) – Support – Passed with amendments

Expands Medi-Cal eligibility to all undocumented adults with income at or below 138% FPL. Amendments would make the bill conform to the senate budget proposal, which narrows the expansion to individuals over age 65. Amendments also make the bill contingent upon appropriation.

Drug and Alcohol Services

AB 1751 (Low) – Support – Passed

Allows the CA Department of Justice to enter into an agreement to participate in an interstate data-sharing hub for prescription drug monitoring program information sharing.

AB 2328 (Nazarian) – Support – Held on Suspense

Establishes the Youth Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Program Act. Directs   DHCS, in collaboration with counties and substance use disorder services providers, to establish regulations regarding community-based nonresidential and residential treatment and recovery programs for youth under 21 years of age.

AB 2384 (Arambula) – Support – Passed with amendments

Requires all health plans in CA, including Medi-Cal managed care, to include all FDA-approved medication assisted treatment (MAT) drugs and drugs for the reversal of overdose in their formularies. The bill would also presume MAT to be medically necessary and not subject to prior authorization or limitations. Amendments include a sunset after five years and removing the presumption of being medically necessary.

Injury Prevention

AB 1798 (Chu) – Support – Passed

Requires all school buses to be equipped with a passenger restraint system by 07/2035.

AB 2034 (Kalra)  – Support – Passed with amendments

Requires transit operations entities (bus, train, or light rail) to train employees in recognizing and reporting signs of human trafficking to law enforcement.

SB 1397 (Hill) – Support – Passed

Requires an AED to be provided in existing structures whenever a building permit is obtained for modifications or renovations if the construction meets specified conditions. Exempts facilities owned/operated by local government entities.

Chronic Disease Prevention & Wellness Promotion

AB 1871 (Bonta) – Support – Passed with amendments

Requires charter schools to provide needy pupils with one nutritionally adequate free or reduced-price meal per school day. Amendments would delay implementation and limit the bill to charter schools with classroom-based education.

AB 2434 (Bloom) – Support – Passed

Establishes the Health in All Policies Program within the Strategic Growth Council.

SB 1275 (Stern) – Support – Held on Suspense

Establishes the Plan Against Hunger Program within the Student Aid Commission and would require the Commission to provide awards to eligible Cal Grant B students equal to the amount of the cost of a meal plan providing 10 meals per week.

Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health

AB 2289 (Weber) – Support – Passed

Sets forth accommodation rights of pregnant and parenting pupils.

AB 2785 (Rubio) – Support – Passed with amendments

Requires by 01/2020 all California Community Colleges and the California State University to provide reasonable accommodations on all campuses for a lactating student to express breastmilk, breastfeed an infant, or address other breastfeeding needs.

Communicable Disease Control

AB 2601 (Weber) – Support – Passed

Requires charter schools to ensure all enrolled students in grades 7-12 receive comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education.

AB 2892 (Quirk) – Support –– Passed with amendments

Establishes the CA Mosquito Surveillance & Research program within CDPH. Amendments would limit funding to private funds.

Health Equity

AB 3085 (Calderon) – Support if Amended – Passed with amendments

Establishes the New Beginnings California Program within the Department of Community Services and Development to provide matching funds to cities, counties, and continuum of care programs to implement, expand, and continue employment programs for homeless individuals.

SB 900 (Wiener) – Support – Passed with amendments

Requires DSS to establish a minimum of three grants to pilot a supplemental benefits mechanism for the purchase of California-grown fresh fruits and vegetables using CalFresh EBT in authorized retail settings, including at least one farmers market. Amendments would authorize the creation of a new fund, delay reporting and create a sunset date.


SB 835 (Glazer) – Support – Passed

Bans smoking and disposal of cigar/cigarette waste at all state parks.

SB 836 (Glazer) – Support – Passed

Bans smoking and disposal of cigar/cigarette waste at all state coastal beaches.

Access to Health Services

SB 1125 (Atkins) – Support – Passed with amendments

Authorizes Medi-Cal reimbursement to FQHCs and RHCs for two visits in the same day if the visit includes a medical visit and a mental health or dental visit. Amendments would make the bill contingent upon appropriation.