Legislature Continues to Move Bills, Non-Fiscal Bills Face Deadline Next Week

The California Legislature continued this week with a number of policy committee hearings, moving bills along through the legislative process. A number of bills have met their fate by either missing last week’s fiscal bill deadline or failing passage in policy committees. Senate and Assembly policy committees face another deadline on next Friday, May 11 to advance non-fiscal bills in their house of origin.

Below, we highlight actions that were taken on several other bills this week. Our full CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart is available here.

Lead-Related Measures. Notably this week, the Assembly Judiciary Committee heard several measures related to lead-based paint, blood lead testing, and ongoing litigation between several cities and counties and industry corporations. Our partners at Hurst Brooks Espinosa (HBE) provide a detailed write-up of the background and summary of lead-related measures, several of which CHEAC is tracking, available here.


AB 3067 (Chau) as introduced on February 16, 2018 – Support

AB 3067 by Assembly Member Ed Chau was heard in the Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protections Committee on Tuesday. The measure would require advertising services to not market cannabis, cannabis products or businesses, or associated cannabis paraphernalia when an internet service, online service, or mobile application is directed to minors. AB 3067 was unanimously advanced to the Assembly Floor.

Chronic Disease Prevention and Wellness Promotion

AB 1871 (Bonta) as amended on April 19, 2018 – Support

Assembly Member Rob Bonta’s AB 1871 was set for hearing on Wednesday in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The measure would require all California public charter schools to provide needy pupils with one nutritionally adequate free or reduced-price meal per school day. Since 1975, low-income students at all traditional public schools in California have been guaranteed at least one meal each school day, but students attending public charter schools have not been guaranteed the same right. Assembly Member Bonta waived presentation on Wednesday, and the measure has been placed on the Suspense File to be reconsidered at a later date.