Upcoming Informational Hearing: Medi-Cal: Access to Care in the Regional Model and Children’s Preventive Health Services
On Monday, November 4, the Senate and Assembly Health Committees will convene a joint informational hearing on 1) access to care in the Regional Model counties; and 2) children’s preventative services.
For access to care in the regional model, State Auditor Elaine Howle will highlight the findings and recommendations of their audit report, which was released in August 2019. The hearing will include responses from California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Anthem Blue Cross and California Health and Wellness and Partnership Health Plan representatives, and Butte County Health Officer Andy Miller.
The children’s preventative health services portion of the hearing will again include a report from State Auditor Elaine Howle on the audit recommendations and six-month implementation progress report, followed by responses from DHCS and representatives from Central California Alliance for Health and Children Now.
Hearing Materials are linked below: