UC Merced Invites LHD Participation on Nicotine and Cannabis Policy Center Advisory Group
University of California, Merced was recently awarded a grant from the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) to establish the Nicotine and Cannabis Policy Center (NCPC). The NCPC is the first tobacco policy center to be designated by the TRDRP and is charged with focusing on challenges facing rural and underserved areas of California.
As part of the NCPC, UC Merced is developing the capacity to gather, analyze, and report relevant data and respond quickly to local, state, and national policy issues as they arise. This would include issues facing California communities, including local health departments throughout the state.
As such, UC Merced invites representatives from LHDs and agencies to join the NCPC advisory group known as the Rapid Response Research Group. Representatives would ideally be someone who is knowledgeable and/or responsible for tobacco- and/or cannabis-related issues in California LHDs or agencies. Periodic meetings, both via phone and in-person, would be held to identify tobacco and cannabis issues that are relevant to California jurisdictions and to gather input on state and national issues as they arise.
If you or someone in your LHD is interested in participating, please contact Dr. Paul Brown, professor of health economics and public health at UC Merced, via email (pbrown3@ucmerced.edu). Interested parties will be gathered for an initial conference call meeting in December.